What we have so far
How to play (Currently)
Setup: Shuffle the 54 cards and deal out piles equal to the number of players (2-4), each containing 12 cards. All players take one pile each and place it between themselves and the player to their right.
Gameplay: All players draw three cards from the pile to their right. Then, they choose one to play in front of them and place the remaining 2 on top of the pile to their left. Now, all players simultaneously reveal what they drafted. Afterward, each player has the option to resolve a "Hidden action" if they wish or are able to do so.
Repeat this process 10 times.
Game end: When the 10th card is drafted, players tally up their total amount of victory points, and the one with the most points wins.
(During a early playtest we tried to see how much stratergi our game had. We did this by having one player pick random cards every turn, one player we imagined whats the most simple draft pick would be and one we discussed togehter would be the right pick. After this experiment we definetly felt the the game was to random and need a balance update...)
Scoring points
There are 5 ways to earn points in the game:
1. Attraction cards: These cards provide a score from 1 to 4. Total all the attraction cards to calculate your points.
2. Thrill rides: All Thrill ride cards offer a thrill experience from 1 to 3. Players sum up their total thrill experience and compare it to others. The player with the highest thrill experience earns 10 points, the second player earns 4 points, and the rest receive 0 points.
3. Game cards: Count the number of Game cards you drafted and receive points based on the quantity. Scoring is as follows: 1-3-7-11-16-21, and then an additional +3 points for each subsequent Game card. Secret games score an extra point.
4. Board members: Each board member has a unique way of providing points for the player who drafted them. Additionally, they grant a bonus if their bonus requirements are met.
5. Symbols: Count the number of each symbol you drafted. If any symbol appears four or more times, they award you points based on how many of that symbol you have. For example, having four symbols gives a player 4 points, five symbols would give them 5 points, and so on.
Hidden cards
There are 5 different card types, and within each of these card types, there are hidden versions.
Hidden cards are drafted upside down and remain unrevealed until the game ends.
All hidden actions are represented by hidden cards. These cards can be flipped up if their requirements are met. Players have the option to flip up one hidden action at a time during a round. When a hidden action is flipped up, its effect takes place.
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